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Post Process Effects

This section is all about shaders that are applied to a resulting image of the first pass. These include image effects such as feature detection or greyscaling. These shaders are done in Unity3D to example how to use CG shaders in ShaderLab as opposed to GLSL shaders in an OpenGL application.

Greyscale Filter

If you're thinking of implementing a flashback or are setting your scene in an oldern time it's good to modify your buffer to create that mood. This greyscale shader will optimally remove colour from the current frame. [...]

Noise Filter

A noise shader has many uses when applied to the full screen buffer. It can also be used in combination with the greyscale shader to enhance the flashback effect or to simulate an old television. [...]

Pixelation Filter

Pixelation has its uses in the 3D world. A common use of the shader is when the players die and a transistion is used when respawning or if certain elements on the screen need hiding. This filter pixelates the screen to a lower resolution. [...]

Sobel Filter

The Sobel filter is a method of feature detection. Not only does it find the outline to an object but also sharp edges within the mesh itself by looking for sudden changes in colour. [...]

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